Isn’t Every Shooter a Law-Abiding Citizen, Until the Day They Aren’t?

The 2nd amendment appears to be here to stay. Here are a few suggestions for how we can meet in the middle.

Courtney Christine Woods, LSW
3 min readMay 27, 2022
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

While I personally have zero purpose or desire for a gun, I have literally heard some Americans say they would give up their lives for the constitutional right to own them.

In conversations with pro-gun folks, I keep hearing the argument that gun legislation will only make it harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain a firearm.

Genuine question: isn’t every mass shooter a law-abiding citizen, up until that horrible act? Maybe they have a criminal history, but if they were breaking laws all over the place, they’d be somewhere in the prison system. Not shooting up a bar, a mall, or an elementary school.

Thus, if every “law-abiding” person is allowed to buy a gun, how does a gun seller decide which are the “good” law-abiding people and which are the “bad” law-abiding people?

I wonder if we’re asking the wrong question.

The technology hasn’t yet been developed to determine who is going to use a firearm for legitimate reasons (sport, hunting, self-defense), and who is going to use it to kill or maim or threaten another human.



Courtney Christine Woods, LSW

Storyteller, social worker, solo parent. Fan of triads and alliteration. Believer that we’re all out here doing our best. Find me on FB @courtneycwrites